10 Tips To Loose 10 Kilos This Month

Overweight? Well, who isn’t, one may well ask in this age of sedentary lifestyles and junk food. Still, if you feel envious when you look at Hal Berry in Cat Woman, or in the case of men, at Brad Pitt in Troy, then its time you used your envy to good stead – commit yourself to losing 10 kilos this month.
  1. Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day: This will raise your metabolism. At the same time your body (and mind) will be getting the message that you are not going to starve yourself and so, will rest assured without signaling hunger pangs.
  2. Eat small sized meals: Admittedly, this can be a bit tough because you are used to eating a certain amount when taking a meal. But, then, it is a habit you will have to break and this can only be achieved through practice.
  3. Eat lots of fiber: Besides increasing metabolism because the body will have to try harder to digest fiber (which of course it will not be able to), eating fiber will also making you healthier by cleaning out toxins from your system.
  4. Drink lots of water: Water is of course very good to give you a filling of fullness besides helping to increase your metabolism.
  5. Exercise twice a day: A twice daily workout regimen is called for if you really want to lose weight. Do it for 20 minutes in the morning and another one in the evening.
  6. Do basic exercises with weights: Build your muscles. They will help your body to burn more fat and faster. This is because the muscle requires a lot of calories to maintain while fat requires almost none. Squats, bench presses, lunges, military presses are very good basic exercises that work a lot of muscle groups at once.
  7. Do both high and low intensity exercises: High intensity exercises will burn a lot of carbohydrates while low intensity workouts will help to burn the remaining fat.
  8. Do hard cardio workout for 20 minutes: Exercises that keep your heart rate up around 80% of your maximum are called hard cardio workouts. Such exercises can raise your metabolism for 12 – 24 hours.
  9. Walk for an hour: Perhaps this might not be as effective as high intensity workouts, but it will surely assist in burning calories through low impact exercise and also make for a change from your usual routine.
  10. Rest well to allow for healing: Get enough hours of sleep to allow your body to rest and your muscles to heal if they are strained or sore.