10 Tips For Fitness

1. Most adults need
  • At least 2 hours of moderate activity each week, eg. Brisk walking, or,
  • 1 hour of a vigorous activity each week, eg. jogging or swimming, or,
  • A combination of both the above
2. Most adults will do well to
  • Engage in 5 hours of moderate activity each week, or,
  • Engage in 2 hours of vigorous activity each week
3. Most adults should
  • Do muscle-strengthening activities for major muscle groups at least twice a week
  • Do exercises for the chest, back, shoulders, abdomen, hips and legs
  • Do exercises with free weights or machines, resistance bands, calisthenics (push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups) or carrying heavy loads, etc.
4. Most adults should
  • Do exercises for the neck every day – it’s important to maintain good flexibility on your neck muscles since these are where most people accumulate tension.
5. Most adults should
  • Do chest and arm stretches regularly – the chest is also a common area for tension build-up.
6. Most adults should
  • Do back stretches after exercising – the back takes in tension more than any other part of the body. It is necessary to stretch the back properly after exercise.
7. Most adults should
  • Do leg stretches regularly – another part of your body that you need to stretch is your legs. Target the major leg muscles like the hip flexor (often the most neglected leg muscle).
8. Most adults should
  • Take some rest to allow the body to recover after exercising
  • Reduce the volume or intensity of workout if fatigued
  • Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet.
  • Work on specific muscle groups on different days
9. Most  older adults should
  • Try to be as active as their physical condition allows,  consult your doctor and take his advice
  • Do exercises that improve balance, eg. Tai chi and yoga
10. Most children and adolescents should
  • Engage in at least an hour of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity every day
  • Engage in vigorous activity at least thrice a week
  • Engage in bone-strengthening activities, eg. running, skipping, etc.
  • Engage in muscle-strengthening activities like tug of war, sit-ups and push-ups