10Tips for Patching up in a Relationship

1.Be responsible
Take responsibility for your actions. Nothing prolong’s conflict more than excuses like “If you hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have done this.” Own up to your mistakes, your partner will do the same.

2.Say sorry
Apologize at the first possible opportunity because saying sorry sincerely has magical properties. Though there are no prizes for never being the first to say you’re sorry, failure to make sincere apologies will damage your relationship.

3. Listen well
Listen instead of trying to justify your behavior.  Hear what your partner has to say without butting in with excuses or counter accusations. Yes, you might be worried about what they will say, but if you don’t add fuel to the fire with ill chosen words, your partner’s grievance will lessen more quickly.
4.Talk about your feelings, not about your partner’s behavior.
Stick to “I” statements, rather than “you” statements, so your partner won’t feel criticized and will be far more likely to empathize with you. This will also help create a safe dialogue.

5.Take a time-out

Damaging words and behavior happen in the heat of the moment, so take a time-out. Walk away from an argument and breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes. Better still, choose a phrase that you and your partner can use as a signal meaning “time-out” and honour it.

6. Nurture with special time
Agree to a timetable and spend quality time together each week. Prioritize that time. Relationships need nurturing. You have to lavish time and care on your relationship - and each other - if you want it to thrive.

7.Compliment sincerely
Tell your partner how special he or she is. Be specific as about what makes them so special and why it means so much to you. This way, not only will you both become more aware of your partner’s specialness, but in time they will probably say the same kind of things back to you.

8. Say “I love you”

Tell your partner how much you love them. Try doing this on a daily basis. You can use notes, cards, quotes and so forth to emphasize the idea. Never assume that they don’t need to be told, or don’t like to hear, all the things that you love about them.

9. Hug your partner daily
In fact, we need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.

10. Share!
Share your laughter and joy daily and rejoice in theirs. Focus on what is great about your relationship and your life together and it will keep getting better every day.