love, respect & worship

I was eighteen years of age when love opened my eyes with its magic rays and touched my spirit for the first time with its fiery fingers. He is the first man who awakened my spirit with his love and led me into the garden of high affection, where days pass like dreams and nights like weddings.

He is the one who taught me to respect and worship the love. He is the one who first sang to me the poetry of the real life.

I heard LOVE whispered into my ears through his lips. My Life was a coma, empty like that of Eve’s Paradise, when I saw him standing before me like a flaming light. He is the Adam of my heart who filled it with secrets and wonders and made me understand the meaning of life.

He is lovely in his ignorance, worthy in his simplicity, and strong in his weakness.
If I could pull down the rainbow I‘d write his name with it and put it back and let everybody know how colorful life is with him.